Elvagyok, ha játszom

A molyon linkelte valaki azt a tesztet, ami kb. 100 kérdés megválaszolása után megmondja, ki lennél, ha a Harry Potter egyik szereplője lennél. Személyiségteszt, szóval nem valami idétlenkedés, és elég érdekes is. Nekem Molly Weasley jött ki. A részletes eredményt sajnos nincs kedvem lefordítani, de lehet, hogy majd összeszedem magam, és mégis megcsinálom. Mindenesetre érdekelne azok véleménye, akik úgy vélik, hogy ismernek. (És tudnak angolul.) Íme:


You are Molly Weasley, mother of seven children and wife of Arthur Weasley. As the caretaker of so many children, Molly is headstrong, defensive, and caring. She is fiercely loyal to her family and friends, always attending to others’ needs before her own. She can get a little hotheaded at times, especially when somebody breaks her rules. Otherwise, she is practically a saint. You are similar to Molly in the sense that both of you are devoted to your loved ones more than anything else. It is likely that you have your own set of morals and that you have a very clear definition of what is right and what is wrong. People who do not share your views will often get the cold shoulder, but you try your best not to judge too much. As long as you are treated with respect, you welcome new friends into your life with open arms. The one thing that breaks you is stress; it can sometimes turn you into a completely different person. You always realize your mistakes, though, and apologize for any rudeness displayed. No one would ever call you thoughtless or discourteous, and they'd be wrong if they did! On top of being kind-hearted, you are extremely protective, often sticking up for your loved ones more than they even want you to. They may never tell you how much they value you, but you should know that your friendship is truly irreplaceable.

In short, you are more:

Cautious than impulsive

Mature than immature

Modest than arrogant

Normal than weird

Extroverted than introverted

Your polar opposite is Mundungus Fletcher.

YOUR ANALYSIS (Vertical line = Average)

  • Impulsivity Distribution
    You scored 34% on Impulsivity, higher than 35% of your peers.
  • Maturity Distribution
    You scored 58% on Maturity, higher than 84% of your peers.
  • Arrogance Distribution
    You scored 31% on Arrogance, higher than 36% of your peers.
  • Weirdness Distribution
    You scored 22% on Weirdness, higher than 3% of your peers.


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